I wanted to make the district's remote learning plan available for parents. 

As of July 15, 2020, District #110 plans to implement the following Remote Learning Plan. Per ISBE guidance, the goal is to get all students back into the classroom if possible. Our District does have the space and capacity to have students attend in person. At this time, the remote plan is for students who require a medical exemption from attending class in person.

Please note that all plans are subject to change as we approach our August 10th start date. The guidance from the State Board of Education and IL Department of Public Health is constantly changing based on the current data regarding COVID-19.

Grant CCSD #110

Remote Learning Plan

  • Ensure and verify at least 5 clock hours of instruction or school work, as required under Section 10-19.05, for each student participating in a continued learning day:
  • Facilitate access from home or other appropriate remote facility for all students participating.
  • Ensure appropriate learning opportunities for students with special needs
  • Monitor and verify each student's electronic participation
  • Students working under a remote plan will meet the same requirements as the students doing in class learning.
  • Students working under a remote plan will remain in that status for the grading quarter.

During remote learning, students will be required to log into their specified classrooms at the normal class times. Teachers will provide students with the link to the classroom via Google Meet. Students will follow a normal class schedule along with their peers. Students and parents can expect that remote learning students will need to be logged in for the required 5 clock hour day.

The District will provide a Chrome book for students to use during the remote learning time period. Students will have assignments to complete in Google classroom or via email from their teachers.  Assignments will need to be completed on a daily basis, per the teacher’s direction for due dates.

Students with special needs will have assignments modified or provided based on their IEP goals from their special education teacher or related service provider.

The District will work with families to provide accommodations, as best as possible, if a student with an IEP requires a remote learning plan. Related services, like speech and social work can be provided to students via Google Meet. The district currently contracts OT and PT services with Therakids. Providing these services will be arranged with the families.

Students will need to log in to the system at the start of the normal school day. Students will need to mark their attendance in the TeacherEase system each day. Assignments and grades will be recorded in the TeacherEase system for all remote learning work. Students will log into Google Meet for the video participation in class. The student’s gmail account will be used to send the links to the classroom meetings and for students to communicate with their teacher’s when they are not in a virtual class. The chat feature on Google Meet will be a good place for students to ask questions about the class content.

The district recognizes that there may be a need to adjust some assignments to fit in a remote learning platform, but students will meet the same standards. Students under a remote plan will participate in benchmark assessments on a regular basis to monitor progress towards standards.

All student assessments, homework, in class assignments, projects, etc., will count towards the student’s final grade.

Due to the need for planning on site, class sizes, and assigned seating for contact tracing, students who qualify for a remote learning option will do so for the duration of the grading quarter. Should a medical condition or family situation change and a student must make a change in their learning platform, parents will need to contact the district office and make your request to the superintendent.